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Give us a call. We're here to listen to your stories.



  • When our clients ask for a referral we are always very careful who we send them to. We are always so happy to refer our clients to RecordMyDocs.com where we have the utmost confidence that our client will be impressed with the service. They have the same "Consider it done" service that we do and we appreciate it!

    Vice President, Title Company

  • RecordMyDocs are always quick to respond when I have a question or need information on recordings. They give me feedback on corrections that need to be made to accommodation recording documents in a very comprehensive way. I never feel like they are too busy to speak with me on any issues I may have. I have to say, they have wonderful customer service and are great to work with.

    Sales and Administration, Title Company

  • I have worked with DPS for about 7 years now, they have handled our accommodation recordings from 2004 to present and I am very thankful for their help. They are always quick to respond when I have a question or need information on recordings. They give me feedback on corrections that need to be made to accommodation recording documents in a very comprehensive way. I never feel like they are too busy to speak with me on any issues I may have. I have to say, they have wonderful customer service and are great to work with.

    Sophia B, Sales and Administration

  • The level of service that I receive from DPS equals the level that I give to my own clients. For that reason, I gladly consider DPS to be part of my core team. I can always count on them to go the extra mile to ensure that the job gets done quickly, correctly and cost effectively, the first time, every time!

    Tony E, Account Manager